Sunday, May 1, 2011

A Nose of Denver

Our first week in Denver has been super fun! Now that I've acclimated to the altitude, we've bought a new kitchen table, and most of the boxes are out of the way. . . I can sew! I completed my first project on my new sewing machine. I had a great time experimenting with the Bernina Stitch Regulator, which makes it super easy to do freehand stitching. 
On our way out here, driving that big old truck, I had a funny idea to make sets of rattles for the baby. This is the first one in a series of bodypart rattles that I will call "Guys". I look at it and can't stop laughing. Hope everyone else can kind find the humor in it, too! 

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Good Poems

Determined to begin a new routine of reading to E on a daily basis, I got a slew of books from the library. The first I picked, Good Poems Selected and Introduced by Garrison Keillor, was fun to read to her. She seemed really soothed and interested in the language and quickly dozed off. My head was then muddled with rhymes and images, so I figured I should write some poems! So I did. 

Upon reading my first attempt I realized it sounded a wee bit like I was talking about pleasuring ones self. Honestly, I didn't have that intention rather I wanted to express the simple pleasure of finding a pen you really enjoy writing with. So, my second attempt is posted here alone. Hope you enjoy my G-rated attempt.


garbonzo beans, plump and round
smooth surface
creased gently until maybe they split.
a slow process,
practicing patience,
gently rinsing these gold beans,
draining them, giving them a good shake,
for tiny sprouts to appear.

i wait, because that's all you can do for them now
and delight
that i am making something grow
without sun,
in the winter,
in the dark.
i imagine, because i've never done this before,
bright green
nutritious tender tendrils,
fresh and delicate.

i approach the beans
(will they be long and curling?
today a little emerald heart-shaped leaf?)
with anticipation,
only to find i forgot to water, drain, and rest
and they have dried up.
now dark and drab,
their failed shoots a pale unappetizing white,
and i am not so sure i am thrilled
to give it another go.

Other then that, I got a great start on some booties from a Simplicity pattern. I "doodled" with embroidery which was really fun. A good exercise to start my creative juices flowing. But then they dried up a bit and I am struggling to finish them!
But, I'm close. . .

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Babytown. Population 1.

Blog is a fantastic word. Sounds good when you say it. Makes me chuckle. Blog.

I find it thoroughly entertaining in itself that I am starting a blog today. I'm sitting here for the 5th or 6th day of being shut in the house. Give or take a trip to the library and a visit to Marc. The dogs have started shedding in anticipation of Spring. Already. There is clutter everywhere, despite the daily attempt to straighten and clean. Hubby has a belly ache and is still in bed. Baby has just gone back to sleep. Do I get up and clean again, scrape off my car and go get gas, or sit on the couch and watch Netflix?

Sarah B put it perfect, "Sunday is the day of rest, for Mommies." So, the clutter remains and I am going to concentrate on doing something creative today. Not sure what yet, but something. It's been a looooong time since I have done anything more creative then writing a grocery list. For the sake of renovating the 700 sq foot house, my Baby Bits bins and art supplies have migrated 15 miles west to Gramma's house. I tried to find something to stitch or doodle last night to no avail. So, the challenge before I get to work on a project is finding some materials. 

I have set up a few things to keep me motivated today. All things concentrate on ME, as this is a day for ME. I declare it Mary Day for Mary Day. 
1. Post some pictures of beautiful things I have made in the past.
2. Dim Sum with my lady friends. 
3. Bring home my new sewing machine.
4. Shave my legs and paint my toes. Very important.

I called this one "Blanche" and Ches wore it with white hot pants. Her super long skinny legs make it look super hot, despite how old lady-ish it looks on the mannequin. I hand panted the stripes with dye. My lil sisters helped me up at the cabin. My mom hand quilted the stripes to the suit for me. I love this piece. 
A golden moment when Baby Bits was part of this shoot in Small Magazine. Armwarmers, Booties (on the bear), and Hat are mine!

 Still my favorite Baby Bits look so far. High-waisted skirt, Cashmere legwarmers, and Cotton Blouse with hand-dyed silk ribbon trim.
 My most creative project so far. And wearing the first diaper cover I completed with friend, T. At Day 2 (pictured) she was swimming in them, but at 9 weeks she as far outgrown them. Worst part about babies is that they grow up.